Gay pride flags toledo ohio

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He and his wife are “supportive parents to my daughter Kristy’s loving marriage to her wife and best friend,” and they have witnessed “the atmosphere of nurturing love they are giving to our three beautiful grandchildren.”Ĭlick here to sign up for our free, seven-day newsletter course on legal cannabis in Connecticut. The idea of a Pride event is a personal one for Pessina. The council’s unanimous vote to support to Pride event has given “a positive message to negative perceptions and will prevent those who may suffer psychologically by being affected by hate and discrimination,” he said. Too often, members of the LGBTQ community may feel they are not welcome “as part of the fabric of our community,” he said. Pessina was the co-sponsor of the proposal to hold the event in the city, and said he was “humbly honored” to be asked to do so. While the event will be an economic generator, McHugh said equally importantly, Middletown’s embrace of the event also demonstrates it is a welcoming and inclusive community. “If it’s good for the city of Middletown and it’s good for the business community, then that’s where we should be,” he said. When Drew asked the chamber to get involved, McHugh said the decision was an easy one to make. “We’re in this totally,” McHugh said of the chamber’s involvement.

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