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“May I ask where is this in Ukraine? I just wanted to make sure that this gallery address is added within our biweekly intervals and is not reported as missed,” added an emoji. I’ve checked the notebook, but we don’t seem to have an answer to this question…” TVBC, which includes the towns of Andover and Romsey, responded: “Hi Philip, umm, hmm. Crowther asked the council: “How did one of your boxes of bread get to Ukraine, and when?” Ukraine live news: Ukrainian artillery ‘outnumbers 20 to 1’ It said the trash can was on the side of the road in Hlynystsi, just before crossing the border into Poland, and was being used by the border post.

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He saw the black trash can out of place last Friday while leaving Lviv, where he had been working for two weeks, the Hampshire Chronicle reported. Philip Crowther, who was reporting on the war in Ukrainefor the Associated Press, posted a video of it on Twitter.

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The Experimental Valley Regional Council (TVBC) trash can was discovered by a journalist near the Polish border. A wheeled trash can in Hampshire was discovered 1,200 miles away in conflict-torn Ukraine.

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