When is gay pride month 2017

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On 20 June, the association Diivineslgbtqi+ will be celebrating its first anniversary with a big Afro-Caribbean dance at BAR OUF, the French capital’s famous lesbian bar. Its programme comprises some 50 events in gay or gay-friendly spaces, and in municipal and local council buildings: exhibitions, concerts, roller skating, conferences, bingo, queer drinks, debates, film screenings, picnics, dance and sports demonstrations, voguing performances, seminars, festive evenings, and clubbing, among other things. This year, it takes place from 14 to 30 June 2019. Organized by Inter-LGBT and backed by the City of Paris and the Île-de-France region, it brings to the forefront the associations that work all year round for the rights of LGBTQI+ people. The Quinzaine des Fiertés LGBT (Pride Fortnight) is a cultural, celebratory, and activist event that has taken place during the month of June in Paris since 2016.

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